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Wissensmanagement, Themensammler

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Wissensmanagement, ThemensammlerAll + All -
Wissensmanagement, Themensammler
+ - Was ist Wissen?
+ - Kontext wichtig!
z.B.: Beispiel des Malers, der erkl?¤rt, wie er ein Bild gemalt hat.
+ - Wissen <> Informationen
~>+ - Sveiby Artikel
+ - Information =
inhaltliches bzw. ??bertragenes Wissen
kontextuelles Datum
+ - Wissen =
kontextuelles und verstandenes Datum
+ - Information ??ber
+ - Wissensarten
+ - prozedural
know how = Handlungswissen
+ - implizit
+ - tacit knowledge
Beispiel "Cookbook companies"
eGovernment UK
+ - Intangible Assets?
Practical knowledge is tacit
Focal Knowledge
Knowledge is action-oriented
Knowledge is supported by rules
Quelle: Quelle: Smart Things to Know About Knowledge Management by Thomas M.
Koulopoulos and Carl Frappaola Capstone
+ - Start Ups and Intangible Assets
+ - explizit
explicit knowledge
+ - Faktoren
+ - Wissen als Erfolgsfaktor
Internet als Informationsfaktor
lernende Organisation
Globalisierung: flexibler, schneller
+ - Wandel der Gesellschaft
~>Daten:- 65% der Bruttowertsch?¶pfung wird ??ber die Dienstleistungen generiert -
60% der deutschen Erwerbst?¤tigkeiten sind im Dienstleistungssektor
+ - Der Mensch als Faktor
+ - Was wird gelernt?
cognitive or knowledge learning
attitudes and values
skill development
aspiration learning
+ - Lernstile
+ - pragmatic
problem solver
learns through concrete experience
+ - activist
learns throug testing alternatives
+ - reflector
learns through rexflexive observation
+ - theorist
+ - Lernumfeld
Lernen als Verantwortung
+ - Self-Knowledge
~>Myers-Briggs Indicator
flexible environment setting
flexible approach
conscious learning
integrated work learning
"unlearn" things when they're redundant
Semantische L??cke
~>Der Mensch "als Umsatzbringer"
+ - Wissen als Wettbewerbsfaktor
Wissen ??ber Kunden
Wissen ??ber Konkurrenz
+ - Nur n??tzlich, wenn:
Quelle: Quelle: Smart Things to Know About Knowledge Management by Thomas M.
Koulopoulos and Carl Frappaola Capstone
+ - Wissen messen
+ - Wissensbilanzen
+ - Humankapital
Intellectual Capital
Customer Capital
+ - Strukturkapital
Structural Capital
+ - Beziehungskapital
Social Capital
+ - Quellen
AK Wissensbilanz
+ - Austrian Research Center Seibersdorf
+ - Balanced Scorecard
+ - Sichtweisen
Finanzielle Perspektive
Perspektive auf interne Gesch?¤ftsprozesse
Lern- und Wachstumsperspektive
+ - Skandia-spezifisch:
+ - Sichtweise beinhaltet
strategische Ziele
operative Ziele
+ - Metriken?
+ - Technische Metriken
Information cycle-time
Availabilitx of cost information
Availability of customer information
Quelle: Knowledge Management Classic and Contemporary Works by Editors Daryl
Morey, Mark Maybury and Bhavani Thuraisingham MIT Press
+ - "Softe" Metriken
Information systems
+ - Employee competencies, konkretisieren durch:
Suggestions per criteria
Proportions of suggestions implemented
Half life metric, time to achieve 50% of process improvement
Team performance measures
Motivation, empowerment and alignment
~>Beispiel NHS UK
+ - Kritik daran
Wichtiges wird nicht gemessen
+ - Das Falsche wird gemessen
z.B. Inputs anstelle Outputs
Fertigkeiten, aber nicht Beziehungswissen
+ - Vorgehensmodell
+ - 1. Metriken entwickeln
First; the process of developing the metrics is crucial. The metrics in a
learning model are produced bottom-up, with heavy involvement from all relevant
groups. No trumpets from the accountants??™ ivory tower!
+ - 2. Indikatoren selbst nutzen
Secondly, the indicators are used by the same people who produce them and they
use them to improve their own processes, not somebody else??™s. They also report
the raw data to the accountants for inclusion in the reports.
+ - 3. Indikator ?¶ffentlich zug?¤nglich halten
Third, the indicators are openly published for all who want to take part.
Confidentiality is anathema to learning. You cannot learn anything if the
numbers are confidential.
+ - 4. Indikatorenglossar bilden
Fourth; if the indicators suggest a difference between say, a high-performing
and a low-performing unit, the units in question are required to meet and the
difference becomes the starting point of a dialogue to discover hidden value;
are we measuring the same thing? What is it that we can do better? This is a
crucial step; the difference in performance becomes an invitation to learning,
it becomes a fundament from where one starts a common search for hidden value,
it does not become an opportunity to punish or reward
+ - 5. Selbstlernender Proze??
Fifth. Make sure Double-loop learning occurs as part of the process; the
dialogue is not complete until it also yields ideas on how to improve the
+ - 6. Indikatoren sind keine Grundlage f??r ein Anrzeizsystem!
Sixth; the indicators are never the basis of a reward system. If rewards are to
be distributed at all they should be group-based and allocated to those, who
make the highest value improvement, i.e. possibly even to the previous
low-performing unit!
+ - Barrieren beim Wissensaufbau
+ - Organisatorisch
Verg??tungs-/Anreizsysteme, aber keine Weitergabe des Wissens
ad hoc Weiterbildung
punktuelle Personalentwicklung
+ - Aktualit?¤t des vorgehaltenen Wissens
~>NHS UK-Website
+ - Technologisch
Versandung in Communities
Aufwendige Rollenzuweisungen
Nutzerunfreundliche IT-Systeme
Abwesenheit, virtueller Arbeitsplatz
+ - Soziologisch
Heimliches Wissen wird geheimgehalten
mangelndes Wissen/Kompetenz
Zeitaufwand, um lessons learned zu verstehen
Keine Motivation f??r den Wissensaustausch
Untersch?¤tzung des personengebundenen Wissens
+ - Aufrechterhaltung des Wissens aufwendig
+ - Warwick Business School
+ - Kaufm?¤nnisch
Geringer ROI
+ - Risiken bei Non-Wissensmanagement
+ - Kosten von verlorenem Wissen
+ - "Soft-Probleme"
Time wasted finding knowledge or expertise
Re-invention of the wheel in different parts of our organisation

Several parts of the organisation dealing with the same partner

Same mistakes made more than once

New employees taking a long time to become effective

Knowledge lost when employees leave
+ - Best Practices beim Wissensaufbau
+ - Vorgehensweisen
+ - Manager-Sicht
+ - Gremien
+ - Community of practice
+ - Vorgehensweise The Knowledge Advantage 14 Visionaries
Focus on values not technology
Encourage meaningful conversations including disagreements
Recognize and help others see patterns
Create meaning, not products
Learn how to create shared understanding
Disperse power rather concentrating
Quelle: Quelle: The Knowledge Advantage 14 Visionaries Define Marketplace
Success in the New Economy by Dan Holtshouse and Rudy Ruggles Capstone
+ - Commitment Management einholen
~>Best Practices Artikel
~>Beispiel Toolbox mit Werkzeugen - NHS UK
+ - Umgebung
+ - Lernumfeld
+ - Beispiel NHS UK
+ - 1. Exploration

Designate a learning-system planning chair and create a planning team. Decide
who will work on creating the system and defi ne their authority. Select a
leader and planning group. Make sure each person understands the purpose and
+ - 2. Envisioning

Think about how to make learning relevant to your organization??™s mission.
Identify underlying principles to guide your learning system and write the
system??™s mission, perhaps including such principles as:???Continuous lifelong
learning must become a standard feature of the workplace,??? ???The organization
must encourage and enable learning,??? or ???Learners must be responsible for
+ - 3. Planning

Analyze your organizational setting and current learning opportunities. Plan the
components of your new learning system and determine your staffi ng needs and
budget. Analyze particular learning activities and space so you can decide what
to offer and what staff will be needed. Create a learning opportunity selection
grid to analyze various offerings by the type of learning (individual, peer,
group), the learners??™ stage, the context (formal, semi-formal, non-formal,
informal), the learning style (active, pragmatic, theoretical, refl ective), and
the desired outcome (promote knowledge, attitude/values, skills or aspirations).
+ - 4. Incubation and Development

Develop your learning space and learning opportunities. Plan and implement your
marketing strategy to build organizational support and build ???buy-in.??? Create a
pilot group or trial run to test any new learning approach. Find out what kind
of schedule best meets employees??™ needs. Prepare the space and provide the
necessary equipment. Inform employees about the new learning system as
effectively as you can (using announcements, newsletters, online notices,
speakers, etc.) Think about fi nancial incentives to encourage people to learn,
such as providing a set amount of money each year per employee in a personal
development fund that workers can access by contributing a minimum number of
hours of service or learning. A reward system might work especially for early
phase learners. For instance, Buckman Laboratories offered its 150 best
knowledge sharers resort vacations, new laptop computers and invitations to a
Tom Peters presentation.
+ - 5. Implementation and Improvement

Start with a kickoff event and plan to document, evaluate and improve your
program content. As part of your opening, invite people to fi ll out a checklist
about their own learning styles. Offer a door prize that is related to learning.
Once the system is up, start measuring, documenting and improving.
Quelle: Quelle: Developing Employees Who Love to Learn Tools, Strategies, and
Programs for Promoting Learning at Work by Linda Honold Davies-Black ?© 2000 240
+ - Knowledge-Umfeld
+ - 1. Capturing Knowledge
+ - 2. Sharing Knowledge, spread it
3. Creating an environment of knowledge
Quelle: Smart Things to Know About Knowledge Management by Thomas M. Koulopoulos
and Carl Frappaola Capstone ?© 1999
+ - Prozesse
+ - Kompetenzrad von Klaus North
+ - Wissensmarkt von Klaus North
mit Debriefing und Lessons Learned
+ - Innovationsproze??
~>Abstract Dissertation
??bergang von implizitem zu explizitem Wissen (Nonaka und Takeuchi)
+ - KM Capability Maturity Model
~>Website bei Siemens
~>Artikel bei Siemens
Karte der Ver?¤nderung!
+ - Leitf?¤den
+ - Leitfaden der SIHK, sehr gut!
~>Robert Freund
+ - Beispiel "Cookbook companies" eGovernment UK
~>Artikel KM and Service Improvement
~>Information Model vom London Borough of Ealing
~>Information Architecture vom London Borough of Ealing
+ - KM Roadmap UK
~>Artikel Rendering the Roadmap
~>Bild f??r die Masterthese!
~>1. Raison d??™etre
~>2. KM Communications
~>3. Implement Roadmap, buy in of Management
~>4. KM Support team, Roles & Responsibilites
+ - technische Hilfsmittel
Clarifying essential personal values.
??? Creating a learning lifeline, which depicts how people learn
??? Using instruments for determining learning style and motivations
??? Using instruments to understand perceptions and tendencies
??? Using a current skills inventory.
??? Putting on a comprehensive personal development workshop
??? Facilitating personal development self-studies
??? Using software for competency evaluation
??? Using a 360-degree feedback learning program for employees
+ - Beispiel der NHS UK
Blog etc. siehe Toolbox
+ - Analyse vovn e-Mails
"Knowledge Mail System"
Profilerzeugung des Schreibenden
+ - Toolbox
+ - Wissensvisualisierung
~>Citespace Analyse
~>Masterthese mit Kriterienkatalog ??ber Wissenskarten
+ - Visualization Periodic Table of Map-Methods!
+ - Geospatial Web
~>Grazer KM-Zentrum
Google Earth
+ - Kartenpuzzle
+ - Topic Map
+ - RDF-kompatibel
SKOS (kurz f??r "Simple Knowledge Organisation System")
Knowledge Map
Baum des Wissens
Concept Map
+ - Wissenslandkarte
+ - Beispiele der Comma Soft AG
~>"Neue Welten"
~>"Auf den Spuren des Wissens"
+ - Knetmap
Dynamische Zuordnung der Knoten, "Schwammnetz"
f??r implizites Wissen gedacht
~>Know inc.
+ - Mind Map
+ - Semantische Netze
~>Textverschlagwortung und -erschlie??ung
~>Vorgehensmodell semantisches WM
+ - Visual Thesaurus
~>Visual Thesaurus
~>Beispielnetz f??r "Character"
+ - Wortwolken
~>Beispiel Karsruher Server
tag clouds
+ - Methoden
~>After Action Reviews
Vortrag Learntec Podcast f??r das
Wissen erlernen
+ - Microlearning
Vortrag Learntec ML mit Handy
+ - Blended Learning
~>Masterthese an der DUK
~>Defensio an der DUK
Exit Interviews
Social Network Analysis
Domain Knowledge Mapping
+ - Pass the Baton
A donor team describes important lessons for future projects, and the recipient
team identifies what they would most like to know from the donor team.
+ - Speed dating
A group of people swap information in a series of short structured 1-2-1
conversations. Suits introducing new people to a complex environment.
Change Agents
+ - Semantic Web 2.0
+ - Social Software
Second Life
+ - Google Maps
del.icio.us oder FURL
+ - Skype
Probleme damit: Traffic, 1.com-Datei
+ - YouTube
Erfolgsfaktor Web 2.0:
Podster / Podcasting
+ - Erkl?¤rung zu Social Networking
+ - Technologien
+ - Semantic Web Services
+ - Semantic Government
~>Dip.semanticweb.org Semantic Web Services!
~>+ - Semantic Web Services Organisation
+ - NextLinks
~>Tool Uni Leipzig
Data Mining
+ - Buzz
~>Die Google-Gesellschaft
+ - Information Worker
+ - Knowledge Worker
CKO = Chief Knowledge Officer
+ - WM in der Praxis
+ - Companies
+ - Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Prototypische Aufteilung auf der Website!
+ - Fujitsu EST
+ - Bulgarien: Sirma Group
+ - IBM Alphaworks
+ - Many Eyes
~>Visualization at hand
~>"A service that combines information visualization with social software,
enabling collaborative visualization by groups of users. "
+ - QED Wiki
~>An environment that extends current wiki technology to enable rapid
deployment, content aggregation, structured data, and powerful extensibility.
Sveiby Finnland
+ - Usu
"Knowledge Miner"
Knowledge Miner ist ein Tool der Firma USU, der eine semantische Recherche und
kontextsensitive Navigation auf Basis von Wissensnetzen f??r die pers?¶nliche
Informationsversorgung erm?¶glicht. Die gefundenen Dokumente werden visualisiert
und ein Push-Dienst f??r individuelle Wunschthemen sucht selbst?¤ndig nach
qualifizierten Inhalten, ohne dass der Benutzer aktiv werden muss.
+ - Ontoprise
Hans Peter Schnurr
+ - Comma Soft
Produkt Infonea
+ - McKinsey-Untersuchung
+ - Non-Profit Organizations
New Club of Paris
+ - Vereinigtes K?¶nigreich Initiative
Wissensnetz Forschung Karlsruhe
Ontology-enabled e-Gov
+ - Was beinhaltet Wissensmanagement?
+ - Wissensbeschaffung
+ - Aufbau Wissensdatenbank
Formalisierung und Abbildung auf dem Computer
+ - Expertensystem
L?¶sungsverarbeitung bestimmter Probleme
+ - Kritik daran
~>Wissens?¶konomie, 1. Welle des WM
+ - Erwerb von Wissen
durch externe Wissenstr?¤ger
durch Wissen anderer Firmen
als Stakeholderwissen (z.B. Kundenwissen)
durch Kauf von Wissensprodukteen
Quelle: Wissen Managen, Seite 93
+ - Gesch?¤ftsprozessorientiertes Wissensmanagement
~>Wikipedia Wissensmanagement
~>Holger Nohr
+ - Zielsetzungen
Schaffung kommunikationsf?¶rdernder Unternehmensstrukturen

Etablierung intelligenter, integrationsf?¤higer IT-Systeme, die Informationen
menschengerecht organisieren
Vermeidung von ???Informationsinseln??? und Doppelarbeit

Schaffung von Lernumgebungen

Vorhandenes Wissen besser nutzen und mediengerecht aufbereiten

F?¶rderung kreativer Prozesse
Aufzeigen innovativer Assoziationsm?¶glichkeiten
Unternehmensweite Verteilung auch des impliziten Wissens

+ - WM-Strategie im Unternehmen
+ - Sveiby: Knowledge of the firm
~>+ - Gespeicherte Website
~>Graphik 1
~>Graphik 2
~>Graphik 3
~>Graphik 4
~>Graphik 5
+ - Autor
~>Michael Hansen
~>Profile im Xing zu sehen: